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weekly highlights from the best fly fishing reports
From Kiene's: "Found a riser and he ate a sz 20 BWO dry. Ahhhhhh.... Water temp was upper 40s, and clear. The snow is melting fast. It was T-shirt weather today. If anything will move the's fresh snow melt. I'll get a better idea tomorrow, going deeeep into the canyon.. Upper river is a little on the low side....." "Snow is on the ground but its the wind that is causing problems but with snow melting and the winds subsiding by the weekend it should get better. Water temps are perfect and lots of anglers are having success catching browns as much as rainbows as both are very active now. One should not overlook streamer fishing now as the water temps suggest increased trout feeding times and with the looming onset of winter trout will be doing this readily. Some of the bigger fish of the year come this time and generally on a streamer. Nymphing will consist of large primary flies such as Pat's Rubberlegs and other stone imitations trailed with small BWO and Baetis imitations in sizes 16 to 20."
"It’s full on fall mode here in Hirschdale. The river is fishing about is good as it gets." "The water has finally cooled off and the fishing has been very good. Normal fall conditions are taking shape for sure." "Still lots of smaller Mayflies, Caddis, and Midges 16-22 out and about. Sometimes the fish are up and sometimes not. Nymphing is the best bet followed by tossing some streamers around."
"The Truckee River in both states is producing fish. Nymphs, streamers, and sometimes drys are getting ‘er done. October caddis, and baetis are the main bugs. Streamers, well, they can be good this time of year. This is the time browns make the big push to spawn. Stay committed. The Truckee is not the best streamer producing river. I like my streamers with lots of bunny and a bit of flash on a sink tip. Put your nymph rigs all over. They’re not just in the fast summer stuff anymore. Some nice stormy weather will put fish on top mid-day. Have your favorite blue wing patterns ready. It has been, and will be cold in the mornings anywhere on the Cali side of the river now. Here in Hirschdale we usually have fog to the sun burns it off around mid-morning, be prepared." "Fishing is good. Low flows and cool temps are bringing out hatches of midges and BWO throughout the day. Trout tend to pod in low flows above Boca. High stick nymph an October caddis with a midge or baetis nymph dropper. When trout are found rising, drift an October caddis dry with a midge dropper through rising trout. Brown trout are active below Boca! Strip big sculpin patterns in pocket water, near snags and in back eddies to find eager browns eager to inhale a big sculpin."
"Full on Indian Summer has kicked in. Nights are cool again, but warm sunny days have kept the nymph rigs busy. The dry fly, and streamer fishing just hasn’t been that good for us this week. Down and dirty and you will get some head shakes. Baetis, October Caddis, stones, and worms will all get you fish on the nymph rig. In fact, you can have some good number days all day long on under the indo rig this time of year." "It's a transition time as the water starts to cool and one will see quite a variety of hatches now, though sporadic. Right now everyone should be using a October Caddis nymph as a primary as this is what a lot of trout are keying on. When looking at a nice section of water sometimes throwing a streamer pattern can bring that one big trout out before you start to nymph it."
"The Truckee is fishing really good. Just about prefect for fly fishing, cool nights and warm days. Fishing on the Truckee is very good right now. The crowds are gone and you can pretty much take you pick of where to fish. Since the last report the flows have been lowered on the Truckee out of Lake Tahoe, Prosser Creek, and the Little Truckee. The flows have been upped on the LT into the Truckee at Boca keeping it at around 500cfs. The morning water temps are 57-58 degrees and warming to 60 by noon. Just prefect conditions. No reason not to be up here fly fishing cause before you know it will be done." Read Kiene discussion.
"Mornings and evenings are still the best time to fish. The fall hatches and normal changes to the river have not really gotten started yet." "Right now everyone should be using a October Caddis nymph as a primary as this is what a lot of trout are keying on. When looking at a nice section of water sometimes throwing a streamer pattern can bring that one big trout out before you start to nymph it."
"The Truckee has been fishing well this week. The morning water temps have dropped to 58 degrees and the fish are looking up. A big dry with a nymph dropper has been money for me. Nymphs are smaller now 16-20 with some bigger stoneflies 10 thrown in the mix."
"Midges are working. Baetis are happening more every day. Several fish on SJ worms this week. Two fish in three drifts today on a drowned hopper. I am seeing...October Caddis shucks now. Broke one open (for the cause) and it was about a week away. So get some Oct. pupae, and maybe your sweetest soft hackle tye." See heated discussion of Gilligan's 30" brown on Kiene's.
"The Big “T” is fishing pretty well. Better in the morning than evening. Flows are steady and water temps are 65 degrees in the morning and 68-70 in the evening. Lots of big stones and caddis still around. Fishing a big dry and dropper has been effective as well as indicator nymphing with a crawdad and smaller dropper. Smaller Caddis and Mayfly patterns 16-18 dries and nymphs have been good." See the 30-inch Brown landed by a client of Gilligan's Guide Service.
"Hit it early, get off the water around lunch time. Crays, stones, caddis, baetis. Crays making up the bulk of food for Truckee trout. We had some crazy ass big fish takes on the cray stripped this week. It’s terrestrial time too. Hoppers and ants can work wonders this time of year. Not to much going on in the evenings anymore, but there are some caddis and sallys coming off right before dark. Nights should cool here shortly making for some more consistent fishing. We are getting fish, but we’re working harder than I like."
"Most of the water is still coming out of Lake Tahoe. It is on the warm side and the afternoons are still a little slow. The best part is Wet Wading. Mornings continue to be the best time to be on the river. The evening hatches are all but over." "Been good in the mornings, crappy in the afternoons. Dog days of summer? Yes, and no. If you hit it early and fish the right kind of water you’ll have success. If you cruise out there at 2 in the afternoon, you’ll be a bit bummed."
"The river is good if you get out there in the mornings, shitty in the afternoons, and descent in the evenings. Crays, stones, caddis, sallys, put them in your fly box if you want success on the Truckee River." 7/24 Kiene's: "Evening rise is barely there, better if you fish subsurface. Big dry Caddis, and a little PMD dropper works well. About a thirty minute window."
"Mid July on the Truckee and conditions are perfect! The flows have been really consistent over the past couple of weeks from Tahoe City down through Reno. Wet wading season is in full swing as summer conditions are in place. There are still plenty of bugs hatching in the evenings and we are on the doorstep of Crayfish season. fishing times are mornings and evenings. We are still seeing some good evening hatches of Caddis and Little Yellow Stones throughout the system. It is a pretty short hatch and most of the fish being caught are after the sun is off the water. Nymphing in the mornings and evenings has been working well."
"Get out there early. If you do, you will be blessed with trouts. Since Tuesday, a little bit more cold tailwater is coming out of Boca, but the majority is coming from Tahoe making water temps in the unhealthy range for trout in the afternoons. To top that off it’s been well over 90 here for the last week. Like I said, start early, give the fish a break in the afternoons. They don’t need your fly in their mouths in warm water. Caddis, crays, stones, and sallys have been getting the job done. Look for the pocket water, or the very heads of runs."
"Flows have been sporadic over the last few days, up and down, and with the warmer flows, I admit fishing was a bit tough. Get out and be fishing early, to early afternoon, hit it again in the evening. Them big glassy runs support little fish this time of year. Riffles, and rapids is where you want to fish, look for big buckets and seams. Fish are chewing on, crayfish, caddis, and stones."
"Not much has changed flow wise, or bug wise. They still have the gates open on Tahoe, and Boca. Fish have adjusted and are settled in. The mid sections of river are still the best bet if you don’t like fishing and wading in the high stuff. The epic caddis hatches in the evening are on." "there is a large variety of bugs in the water now. BWO’s, Baetis, Midges, giving way to Caddis, Yellow Sallies, PMD’s, PED’s, Green Drakes, and Terrestrials such as Ants and Hoppers. Sporadic Hatches of Green Drakes are happening now and generally occur in the last few hours before sunset. Catching this elusive and short lived hatch frustrates many but the allure of catching big Browns and Rainbows on dries is worth it!" On Kiene's: "first time I've ever had a double digit day there. Landed 11."
From Kiene's: "Gorgeous conditions, but fishing is a bit sporadic since they raised the flows. The little yellow stones have been missing totally.. The hatch will be funny till the bugs get used to it."
"A blizzard of bugs near sunset." "BWO’s, Baetis, Midges, giving way to Caddis, PMD’s, PED’s, Green Drakes, and Terrestrials such as Ants and Hoppers. Sporadic Hatches of Green Drakes are happening now and generally occur in the last few hours before sunset. Catching this elusive and short lived hatch frustrates many but the allure of catching big Browns and Rainbows on dries is worth it! Always present will be Stones and crustaceans in the form of Crayfish as great searching patterns."
"phenomenal pmd hatch mid-day, caddis are just getting going, drakes are hit and miss." "Fishing has been excellent and most of the fish are being taken in the faster water now. Come prepared when you arrive on the Big Truckee now as there is a large variety of bugs in the water now. BWO’s, Baetis, Midges, giving way to Caddis, PMD’s, PED’s, and Terrestrials such as Ants and Hoppers."
"The river has pretty much stopped Yo-Yo ing from spring runoff. That is the good news. The bad news is lots of water is being released into the Truckee from some of its tributaries. The upper section from Tahoe City to the confluence of the Little Truckee is in great shape, low and really fishable. Everything downstream of Boca Bridge is pretty high." From Kiene's: "It's in prime shape. Managed to hook several, lost a monster who is probably still racing downstream, missed numerous lightning-fast grabs/refusals, landed only two, both over 14 inches. Caddis pupahs were the ticket for me. Then caddis dries late in the day on the surface." Also from Kiene's: "A beautiful day on the T yesterday! The fish are lightning fast! I managed 4 fish landed."
Truckee River Fly Shops and Guides | Fly Shop | Guide Service | Lodging | |
Arlos Fly Fishing Service| Phone: 775-997-4883 |
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Big Fly Guide Service| Phone: 530-448-9920 |
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Cyber Fly| Phone: |
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Divided Sky Fly FishingHomewood, CA | Phone: 530-412-2988 |
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Fly Fishing SpecialtiesCitrus Heights, CA | Phone: 916-722-1055 |
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Four Seasons Fly FishingTruckee, CA | Phone: 530-386-8525 |
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Gilligans Guide ServiceTruckee, CA | Phone: 775-351-6665 |
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Leland Fly Fishing OutfittersSan Francisco, CA | Phone: 415-781-3474 |
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Mountain HardwareTruckee, CA | Phone: 530-587-4844 |
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Nor Cal Fly GuidesSacramento, CA | Phone: 530-354-3740 |
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Reno Fly ShopReno, NV | Phone: 775-825-FISH |
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Tahoe Fly Fishing OutfittersSouth Lake Tahoe, CA | Phone: 877-541-8208 |
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