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weekly highlights from the best fly fishing reports
"Fishing on the Yakima has been very worthy and in addition the change over to fall has been spectacular. Nymphing throughout the day has been spot on with Baetis patterns. Stones nymphs on the smaller side have also produced some healthy ftrout! Bring your waders and a camera!" "The Yakima River is quiet right now... from a fishing pressure standpoint! If you like to fish alone, catch trout all afternoon and have a shot at some sight casting with dry flies then the Yakima River is fishing good. The cool weather has stabilized the bite and every day from 11 am - 4 pm has been good fishing with nymphs and a few trout rising to BWO's and Mohogany Duns. A parachute Adams works well for either of these in the respective size."
10/14: "We have seen some reasonable dry fly fishing recently; #18 Baetis and a #16 Mahogany Dun are the predominant hatch. A well presented Purple Haze, Quigly or Sparkle Dun should do the trick. Nymphing remains strong with #16-20 Flashback PT's, Lightning Bugs, WD's and the like have been productive."
"We could use some weather to jump start the BWO fishing, but it is really pleasant on the water with the sun on your back." "We have seen the best action using small (sz 18 and 20) baetis nymphs. The Blue Winged Olive hatch is going strong and the fish are keying in on the nymph stage. The October Caddis hatch is starting to bring a few fish up for the dry fly in the afternoon. Another afternoon fly option that will pick up speed as October goes on is a streamer."
"9/21/12 - "Rockin" - End of Story. 9/24/12 - ditto.." "The river has dropped and is low and clear. We have been spending most of our time from the Farmlands to the Upper River. The fishing has been outstanding this Fall. Most of the days we have been throwing dries, but the Nymphing has been pretty much automatic."
"Good fishing throughout the day here on the Yakima. October Caddis have been making an appearance, and the dry/dropper fishing has been decent from early am to late pm. Midday lulls come and go as the sun reaches high inthe sky, but when it slows on top, pull out the bobber rods and fish a stone/trailer combo in the hard lines. Foam is home!"
"The flip-flop is nearly done. Summer Stones and Hoppers are slowing, Craneflies and October Caddis are beginning to show in greater numbers. Slow to good dry fly and fair to great nymphing." "Craneflies are making a strong appearance and the October Caddis is just around the corner. The dry fly fishing has been sporadic but decent at times and in zones. The nymphing has been reasonably predictable. Watch for the salmon spawn to be a food source that the trout will key on sooner then later."
"So the Yak has been on the hard drop for the last four days. We have fished the Lower Canyon the last few days, mostly afternoons and evenings. Overall fishing is good, lots of 12-14in. and we have been hooking at least one monster pig a day. Action on big dries has basically died; Nymph fishing has been the ticket in the Lower Canyon. Lots of Summer Stones flying around along with Caddis, Yellow Sallies, Crane Flies.. If the wind stays down in the evenings, caddis fishing should get hot. Best time to fish is either 8-10am or 6pm-dark."
"Although the wind was blowing 30 mph we rose numerous fish and had a great day of dry fly fishing. The “Flop” has begun and the water is dropping right now exposing a lot of trout along the edges of the river that wouldn’t have been willing to come out and take flies even a few days ago. We are entering the most consistent dry fly fishing of the year over the next couple of weeks. There will be a few tough days mixed in as the fish adjust to the falling water level but overall the bite is bound to be great most days."
"The Taylor Bridge fire is 90% controlled according to reports on Tuesday. 51 houses destroyed, six others damaged and 26 other structures destroyed or damaged. Our thoughts are with those who suffered losses from the fire. We have floated between Cle Elum and Thorpe the last two days, some stretches were pretty badly burned, but overall much less than we expected. Fishing was good. The loss of vegetation along the hills and banks of the river could be a problem when we get any substantial rain, or from melting snow next spring."
"Fishing remains good but unfortunately Kittitas county is under fire, literally, in some areas." "According to current reports, the Taylor Bridge fire is 10% controlled, with approximately 28000 acres burned and 70 homes lost. Thankfully, no lives have been lost."
"It doesn't get much better than throwing big dry flies against the bank from the skiff on a warm summer evening in the Yakima Canyon! Over the 10 mile float, we had areas that fish came up every 10 feet, and other zones where we went several hundred yards between rises. The fish responded to a twitched fly at times, but seemed to prefer a dead drift as the night got later. There are plenty of fish eating Caddis in the rock piles and bubble lines once the sun drops below the West ridgetop to experience productive "headhunting". We've had some great evening action this week throwing the Bloom's Caddis with a CDC emerger at them."
"Evening fishing here on our home waters is fired up! After last weeks little mud stint, the Lower Canyon is back on track with some great evening dry fly fishing on top with big summer stone patterns and smaller adult/emerger caddis patterns when the winds down come dusk. The last 45 minutes of fishable light has been two thumbs up with the bigger boys coming out of their hidey holes to smash a dry on top."
"Well the Yakima has seen some crazy stuff happen over the past week... Mud slides on the Teanaway, Twice! a rock slide @ mm 21 that has State Highway 821 in the Lower Canyon blocked for the past 24 hours - It is open now. Aside from all of that the fishing has been good when the slides did not affect the clarity. Summer Stoneflies are in second gear and watch for the early AM's to pick up momentum. There are certainly some Caddis and yellow Mayflies around especially in the late evening."
"the Yakima is fishing good to great / end of story / multiple techniques used including dry flies, nymphs and streamers. All stretches of water have been good from top to bottom."
"The weather is going to heat up this week finally! This will spur some great fishing right off the bat as the water temperature gets a boost back to normal July standards. The summer stonefly hatch is slightly overdue and this warm up will help the cause. We should see some incredible nymph fishing at times this week and some awesome Caddis fishing at dusk. Within the week we should have summer stoneflies hatching. Focus your efforts on the Twilight Zones especially at dusk where you get a littany of Caddis and Stones mixed in together. Good luck, it is time to fish."
"Major ups and downs on the Yak should be done. Good to great fishing the last two days. Excellent PMD hatch in the lower Canyon yesterday- lots of rising fish."
"Fishing has been excellent in the Lower Canyon and Upper Proper/Upper Canyon. No recent report from the Farmlands."
"The Upper Yakima is back into shape and the fishing was good today. The Farmlands section of the river looked great this afternoon. Lower Canyon isn't there yet. Lets cross our fingers that they don't release anymore water!" OR... "Well the Yakima sucks, what a surprise."
"It looks like we may get a window for some late spring fishing on the Yakima. Water is down to 3700 and clearing nicely, at 3000or less were in."
Yakima River Fly Shops and Guides | Fly Shop | Guide Service | Lodging | |
Anglers ObsessionEllensburg, WA | Phone: 360-485-3181 |
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Arch AnglersSeattle, WA | Phone: 888-543-HOOK |
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Blue SkiesYakima, WA | Phone: 509-469-2541 |
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Brazdas Fly Fishing| Phone: 253-307-3210 |
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Coopers Guide ServiceSpokane, WA | Phone: 509-326-2518 |
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Drifting Fly| Phone: |
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Emerald AnglersSeattle, WA | Phone: 206-545-2197 |
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Life Is But A DreamYakima, WA | Phone: 509-965-1675 |
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Reds Fly ShopEllensburg, WA | Phone: 509-933-2300 |
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The Evening HatchEllensburg, WA | Phone: 509-773-3460 |
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Troutsource Fly ShopGranite Bay, CA | Phone: 916-797-6138 |
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TroutwaterEllensburg, WA | Phone: 509-962-3474 |
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Worley Bugger Fly Co.Ellensburg, WA | Phone: 509-962-2033 |
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Yakima River AnglerSelah, WA | Phone: 509-697-6327 |
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